Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Here We Go Again

When I started training for my first half marathon in June last year, I thought I would instantly drop a lot of weight. What I soon learned is that runners are classified into two different categories: the ones that follow their workout regimen with a healthy or slightly moderate indulgent diet or those that say, "I run, therefore I can eat". And when  I say eat, I mean anything and everything because long runs means more calories burned making it okay to consume more calories. There is truth in being able to eat more calories, but by no means is it a green light to consume half a dozen cupcakes.

I started running with the "eat right, feel great, run better" attitude. A great recipe for losing weight in which I did. Well that soon changed. I started to notice the longer our runs got the more hungry I became. I quickly transformed into the "I run, therefore I can eat runner". Half a dozen cupcakes...yup, guilty as charged. In my defense, I sell cupcakes to make extra money to pay for my marathons so I need to taste them right? Okay...perhaps not six all at once. I'm admitting it--all the eating has caught up to me.
For the last six months, all I've done is complain about how my clothes don't fit to which friends and family respond: "How have you gained weight if you run so much?" Again, I became the "I run, therefore I can eat" type of runner.
I hate to admit this publicly and it's not because I am ashamed. I'll be the first to say...God did not bless me with a petite figure. I'm tall and curvy. I don't like to admit that I'm trying to lose weight because I don't want to be held accountable in case I can't do it. I know...I shouldn't be so negative but I have to be honest; I'm just not motivated. Another reason is that I think it takes a lot of guts to put something like this out in the open. I admire those who share their weight loss journey with others in their blogs especially those who have lost so much. Here I am struggling with 15 pounds and already feel defeated.

I know it will not only help me feel better but also would improve my running as I'll have less weight to carry. So, I titled this entry here we go again as I have decided to give Weight Watchers another go. Prior to my marathon training, I was a member and less than a pound from my goal weight but had to drop as the meetings conflicted with my training. Go figure...I stopped going to meetings to run and ended up gaining weight.

I chose WW because I know it works and helps keep me structured which for me, is what works. How has running changed your eating habits? What works for you?

Day 2 Dinner: Turkey burger on whole wheat bread, salad with vinaigrette, and grapes


  1. I get the same way when I work out/run a lot...I eat a lot. That is a biggy for me, watching what I eat.

    After I run I am seriously STARVING and can keep eating and eating!

    Good luck with weight watchers...I lost 30 lbs on weight watchers a couple of years ago, I really need to go back too! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I am so much in the same spot, it's scary! I have not gained any weight with the half-marathons but I started out 3-5 kilos heavier than my preferred weight, weight that I never lost. I know that losing the weight will improve my running, but I cannot motivate myself enough to start. I said I would start calorie counting and I should really get serious about it. And I don't want to gain weight with marathon training. Ok, rant over. :-)

  3. @Marcela I know EXACTLY how you feel. On days that I do my long runs, I literally feel hungry every hour. For me, I need the structure of a plan like WW. No need to tell you that it works :) Go for it!

    @Melie LOL! Rant all you want my dear! Getting started is the hardest part. I'm on day 3 and I already feel so much better. You can do it!

  4. Tall and curvy... hey now ;)

    I was very disciplined when I started my weight loss journey. Very disciplined. But when I took up running, well, not at first, but eventually I became an "I run therefore I can eat" runner. My 2006-07 self would be ashamed :/

    I struggle to find a happy medium each day.

    Congrats on taking a stand. I need to take a stand too.
