Monday, March 14, 2011

Brooks Giveaway

A special thanks to Brooks for providing me with some apparel to giveaway to one lucky winner. I've recently become a big fan of their gear and hope you will become one too if you're not already! 

Versatile EZ Racer Back

Epiphany Stretch Short II

To enter the giveaway you will need to do the following:
  1. Leave comment on the question in the previous post and indicate that you want to enter
  2. Become a fan of Brooks on Facebook
  3. Follow @BrooksRunning and me on Twitter (If you don't already)
  4. Follow my blog

Please note, the items are both a size large. I am not sure if they can be exchanged if they're not your size as a receipt was not provided but you can try :) Winner will be selected on Friday, March 18th.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I always mix and match different brands while running. It's all about comfort- I don't really care what I look like ;)

    Brooks has such cute things!

  2. I follow you both on twitter! And if I hadn't given up Facebook for Lent I would have become a fan of them too :(

  3. Sorry this has taken so long. won! Please send me your address at
